DHI Hair Transplant (Unshaven)

DHI Hair Transplant (Unshaven)
DHI Hair Transplant (Unshaven)

Tana Clinic is proud to offer Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), the latest and most advanced hair transplantation technique. Designed to give you a full, natural-looking hairline with minimal recovery time, DHI is a game changer in the field of hair restoration.

About DHI Hair Transplant

DHI is a precise, minimally invasive procedure where hair follicles are individually extracted and implanted directly into the recipient area. Unlike traditional methods, DHI eliminates the need for reception incisions. This technique uses a specialized tool, the DHI implanter, which gives our surgeons full control over the depth, direction, and angle of each hair follicle implant. This precision results in a remarkably natural-looking result.

The DHI Process

The DHI Hair Transplant process at Tana Clinic involves several steps:

  1. Consultation: During this initial phase, our specialists will evaluate your hair loss pattern, discuss your expectations, and customize a treatment plan for you.

  2. Hair Follicle Extraction: Using a specially designed tool, hair follicles are individually extracted from the donor area, typically the back of the head.

  3. Implantation: Each follicle is then implanted directly into the balding area using the DHI implanter. This process ensures optimal depth, direction, and angle for natural-looking results.

  4. Post-Procedure Care: Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your scalp and new hair post-procedure.

Positive Patient Feedback

Patients who have undergone the DHI Hair Transplant at Tana Clinic consistently report a high level of satisfaction. They have expressed appreciation for the natural-looking results, minimal discomfort during the procedure, and the quick recovery time. Many of our patients have seen an improvement in their self-esteem and confidence as their new hair grows in.

Treatment Duration

DHI Hair Transplant Process

The DHI Hair Transplant process is a revolutionary technique providing natural-looking, efficient hair restoration. At Tana Clinic, we begin with an initial consultation to evaluate your hair loss pattern and design a customized treatment plan.

Consultation and Assessment

The first step in your journey to fuller hair begins with a personalized consultation. Our expert hair transplant team will assess your hair loss pattern, understand your expectations, and determine your suitability for the DHI Hair Transplant technique. We'll discuss your medical history and answer any questions you may have about the procedure.

Pre-Procedure Preparations

Following a successful assessment, we start preparations for your procedure. This involves detailed scalp analysis, hair density calculation, and designing the expected hairline. We also give detailed instructions to follow at home to prepare for your procedure, including guidelines on diet, sleep, and washing your hair.

The DHI Hair Transplant Procedure

The big day has arrived. The DHI Hair Transplant procedure is performed under local anesthesia. We extract individual hair follicles from your donor area (usually the back of your scalp) and implant them into the balding areas using a patented tool, the DHI implanter. This technique ensures minimal trauma to the scalp, precise control over the depth, direction, and angle of implantation, resulting in a natural-looking hairline.

Post-Procedure Care

The day after your procedure, we invite you back to our clinic for a gentle hair wash and to provide detailed aftercare instructions. This includes information on how to wash your hair, what products to use, and activities to avoid. We'll also discuss signs of healthy recovery and when to seek advice.

Follow-up and Monitoring

At Tana Clinic, our care continues long after your procedure. We schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure the successful growth of your newly transplanted hair. These appointments are crucial to evaluate your scalp's health and the success of the hair transplant.

Enjoying Your Results

In the months following your DHI Hair Transplant, you'll start to notice new hair growth. It's important to remember that hair growth varies from person to person, so patience is key. As your journey continues, we remain dedicated to providing ongoing advice and support to help you enjoy your new, fuller head of hair.

Before After

Before/After Images of Our Patients

Explore our gallery of before and after images to witness the transformative power of DHI Hair Transplant at Tana Clinic. These images represent a small sample of our patients' journeys towards renewed confidence and a fuller head of hair. Each photograph showcases the natural-looking, denser hairline achieved post-procedure, emphasizing the difference a successful hair transplant can make.

before after

DHI Hair Transplant at Tana Clinic: Proven Results for Restored Confidence

Experience outstanding results and personalized care with Tana Clinic's DHI Hair Transplant service, delivering unmatched success rates and natural-looking outcomes to help you regain your confidence.

High Success Rate
Superior Follicle Survival
Natural-Looking Results
Satisfactory Patient Experience

Surgical Estimates


DHI Procedure

Details of DHI Hair Transplant


7-8 Hours

Anesthesia Type

Local Anesthesia

Recovery Time

8-9 months


Voluminous Hair Appearance

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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The procedure duration varies depending on the number of grafts required. Typically, it can last between 6 to 8 hours.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel any pain during the process. Some discomfort may be experienced during the recovery phase, but it is generally mild.

Hair growth varies per individual, but typically, patients begin to notice new growth after three to four months. Final results are usually visible after a year.

Yes, the major advantage of DHI is that it offers a very natural look. The direction, angle, and depth of the implanted hair follicles are carefully controlled to mimic your natural hair growth pattern.

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